A new look at choosing your word for 2021
If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you probably know that I’m a fan of this word for the year business. I discovered My One Word over 6 years ago and I immediately dumped the yearly resolutions for a one word focus.
Enter 2020. I picked a word last year like I always do. But….for the life of me I can’t remember what it was or even what I did with it before we knew what COVID was and what happens during a stay at home order. To be honest, this hasn’t deterred me. I still picked a word for this year.
Turning our One Word on it’s head
In choosing my one word, I had been thinking about me. What did I want to focus on? What did I want to accomplish? But we did something different for church this Sunday. Not something new though. We’ve been meeting in person since September, but we chose to move online just for this Sunday.
In the chat, my pastor asked a simple question that had me seeing my one word differently this year.
“What is one characteristic of God are you focusing on this year? ”
I know it’s not that complicated and you were probably already thinking along these lines, but…I had not. My one word this year is focused on me and I hadn’t thought about what I wanted to experience from God. It reset my thoughts. No, I didn’t change my word for the year. But it changed how I looked at my word for the year.
Experiencing God in 2020
The reality is that sometimes we forget. We forget to ask God first. We forget to put Him front and center. We forget that sometimes what He’s placed on our hearts, exactly what we need.
But it’s not too late to ask. To seek. To include Him in our word. If our word drives us anywhere, it should drive us to experiencing more of Him in our lives. In our hearts. In our everyday rhythms. I believe that my word will lead me to know Him in deeper ways. I believe your word can do the same.
Next steps for your word
If you picked your word and haven’t asked God about it, now might be a good time to press pause and ask. How do you want to use this word in my life? And maybe even, do you want me to change it? But there are some simple things we can do to integrate our word and our faith.
Start with Scripture. God’s word is relevant for your todays because it is living and active. God is not surprised by your word — so look for it in His Word. Find verses that reflect your heart for your word and what you want the outcome to be.
Invite God into your focus. Whether your word is biblical or not, you can invite God into it. You can ask him to remind you of his presence. You can ask him to speak to you about your word. You can travel your year with him.
Revisit your word. Your word becomes solidified in your heart and mind when you revisit it. Maybe it’s through journaling, making a gratitude list, or even a monthly check-in. Whatever helps you keep remembering the heart behind your word.
Here’s one last thing before I go. God wants to show you who He is. Today and everyday. I love the question from my pastor because I want to know God more and to experience who He is in the midst of my goals and intentions. Wishing you a 2021 where you encounter more of God and less of you!