A new word for a new year

Whether you’re ready or not, this year will come to a close and a new year will start. If your year has been anything like mine, you may be ready to flip the calendar and start fresh. Starting the new year can be a lot like a fresh snow. There is new hope, new paths to create, and new grace to receive. While we don’t know what exactly is in store, we know the One who holds our future. And that is where we find peace.

Seasons come and seasons go

Back at the end of last year, I knew that a couple of surgeries were on my horizon. It had been 15 years since my last major surgery and while I didn’t quite know what to expect, I knew that 2024 would be a year of laying low and healing. and then…

Enter one specific podcast.

I don’t know about you, but I’m a podcast girl. And just like anything else, I listen in seasons - if you will. But last December I was casually listening to my favorite podcast when the host and the guest began talking about seasons of life. Sometimes we’re in a winter season where things are laying dormant and it feels like nothing is growing. Other times, your season may be spring where you are planting seeds and waiting for growth. Summer is a time of growth and Fall is a season of harvesting what’s been growing.

I knew that 2024 was going to be a winter season for me. Choosing to rest. Choosing to heal. Choosing to let things hibernate until the season has passed. But 2025 brings a new season for me. I’m ready to start planting again. I’m ready to embrace God’s work in the sowing. And I wonder about you? What season have you been in? And what season are you hopeful for? And if you want to listen to that podcast, just click the button below.

A new word

If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I’m a big fan of choosing a word for the year vs. setting resolutions. I’ve always resonated with prayerfully choosing a theme word for the year instead of setting resolutions that seem more like a list of goals. I love the focus that one word can bring as I prayerfully seek what season God has next for me. Choosing a word can feel tricky and if you’re interested in find a word for 2025, you can download my Choosing Your Word Workbook here.

Keeping it simple

In our crazy, busy everyday life - it can be challenging to slow down and focus. And the older I get, the less I buy into always hustling, always needing to be productive, and always having all my ducks in a row. You may have noticed that One Foot Activity slowed down in 2024, and that was on purpose. In the midst of surgery recovery (and not being able to use my foot for a while) and now PT, I’ve made a conscious effort to be okay with slowing down and resting and leaning into self-care. All of this led me to choosing the word SIMPLE for 2025. And if you’re ready to choose one word, I can’t wait to hear what word you chose. BUt…

Here’s the thing about seasons. They’re not forever. They last for well, just a season. So, if you’re not jazzed about your current season, that’s okay. If Christmas teaches us anything, it’s that there is hope in the waiting. There is new life up ahead. You and I? No matter what your current season, we don’t have to walk it alone. We can choose our word for the year and start fresh in 2025 in community. And if you’re feeling like you need inspiration of what the new year may bring, we’re gathering for a New Year Clear Purpose workshop where we’ll navigate being intentional about our next season together. Wishing you a season full of God’s grace and blessings.


4 types of connection for whole-hearted living this year


The Art of Growing Through Practice