Minneapolis Enneagram parties

host an enneagram party

a fun way to gather your friends and learn about the enneagram


plan a party with an enneagram twist

Let’s have some fun with the Enneagram! If you’ve been looking for something different when it comes to hosting your book club or a girls night out, I’ve got you covered. My Enneagram parties are design for you and your friends to learn more about who they are in a fun and inviting atmosphere. You take care of the invites, and I bring the Enneagram.

 how it works

Schedule your
consultation call

Plan your party
and save the date

Enjoy your
enneagram party

Copy of Copy of Copy of San Dias Gala Dinner (1).png

Enneagram Parties & Happy Hours

Gather your friends and host an Enneagram Happy Hour, where you provide the refreshments and I bring a little Enneagram training to you. Each participant will received a workbook to take home, an Enneagram system overview, and personalized typing questions during the event.

Ready to Learn More?

Book a no-obligation, free consultation to see if an Enneagram party is right for you.