Minneapolis Enneagram Leadership Coaching | One Foot Coaching

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God Gets You

Three simple words. God gets you. I read them and then kept reading. And then, I closed the book and realized that was the chapter I wasn’t supposed to read to prepare for book club. Or was it? That chapter was for next week, but for some reason, on that day, it spoke to me.

And as I write today, I’m wondering if you don’t need to hear them too. God gets you.

He gets you when you’ve had that bad day at work or with your family or just on the drive to somewhere. He gets you when you feel misunderstood. He gets you when you’ve messed up. And He gets you when you still have inner work to do.

I was touched by the words that I didn’t need to read yet as tears dripped down my face. I took a picture and I posted it on social media yesterday. And what I found is that I’m not alone. Many of you asked how you can get your hands on the book that I’m ready out of order.

Summer Book Club for the Win

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I’ve been gathering with some of the gals in the One Foot Community this summer. In the park. With our lawn chairs in tow. To talk this book. Life. Faith. And how we live with purpose in the everyday rhythms of our lives.

I picked up this book because I was stepping out of the boat again. Quitting my job and working on One Foot full-time. And as I stood in the bookstore, I knew that I need to be a person of the promise. You don’t have to be doing what sounds crazy like quitting your job to be a person of the promise. Sometimes we need those promises when we’re stressed at work. Or we’re just not getting along with our people. Or when the world tells us that we’re not enough.

We need to be people of the promise.

Stepping Into the Promises

As people of the promise, it’s important that we live them. While we can mentally assent that God is who He says He is, but living it out is a whole different story, isn’t it? Will we believe that what He says is true. Even better, will we live like it’s true.

This particular promise is based on the fact that Jesus came to earth and lived as a man and as a result He gets us.

He gets us because He’s been there. He knows about betrayal and being misunderstood. He knows what it means to stand alone and point people to God. He knows what it means to be questioned. And He knows that you and I struggle with the same.

Living the promise

All of life is a journey. A journey to becoming who God created us to be. A journey to growing to love God and yourself. A journey to living the promises in the everyday steps of our life.

Last night at book club, we didn’t discuss this one (that’s for next week). But every week, we intentionally discuss how to we start living these promises that Max is uncovering. The answer seems to simple:

  1. We gather & read together.

  2. We admit where we are today.

  3. We continue to bring Jesus our current realities knowing that changing us is His job.

I don’t know about you, but I need to remind myself continually. God gets me. Our journey is a marathon. And that living any of the promises we find in Scripture is not a one and done event, but a moment by moment surrender to who God is and what He wants to do in our lives.

So today, in those moments when you loose your cool. Or you feel the pressure of a work deadline. Or your kids are driving you crazy. Or you just plain feel all alone and overwhelmed. Just remember. God gets you.

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