Minneapolis Enneagram Leadership Coaching | One Foot Coaching

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Meaningful Gifts for Each Enneagram Type

I know what you’re thinking. Last week, we talked being present over giving presents. But true confession? As someone whose love language is gifts, I can’t resist a meaningful gift that says, “I see you and I get you.” And while the Enneagram is designed for our own inner work and the overflow of our work resulting in grace & compassion for our people…we can also use it to get to know our people and appreciate them well.

I don’t know about you - but I love to give and receive gifts that speak directly to me. Not because of the gift, but because of the fact that I know that person slowed down and thought of me. Cue the warm fuzzies!

So, in not so typical fashion, we’re talking gift ideas for each type today.

General Enneagram Gift Ideas

So many of my friends are into the Enneagram lately, so I wanted to start with some general ideas that would work for the Enneagram enthusiast in your life.

Planners just for your type. All 9 types available!

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I follow XOEnneagram on Instagram and loving what I see of this one. Great for those just starting their Enneagram journey of those who have already dug into it.

Created by an Enneagram Coach, this is a fun game around the nine types of the Enneagram! Yes to this!

Gifts for Type 1s

Type 1s, also called The Reformer, are organized, hardworking, ethical, and purposeful. They can be drawn to organizational gifts to keep them on track, creative gifts, and gifts will a purpose.

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Gifts for our Type 2 friends

Also called the Helper, our type 2 friends our heart centered and love to serve and help others with needs, and don’t always acknowledge their own needs. They are natural hosts who love to entertain and gather their people. Some gift ideas for your type 2 friends…

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Gifts for Type 3s

Our type 3 friends are efficient, adaptable, and image conscious. Great gifts for your type 3 friends include tools to help them with goals, doing things quickly, healthy living, and that will make them look good. Because of all this efficiency, they can have a hard time slowing down and getting in touch with their authentic & true self - so a book or journal to help with that (depending on where they are on their Enneagram journey) can also be a great gift.

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Gifts for Your Type 4 friends

Enneagram Type 4s, also called the Individualist, desire to be unique and special and authentic. At their bet, they are imaginative, intuitive, and find deep meaning in all of life. Gifts for your type 4 friends can channel the creativity and inspiration they see in themselves, as well as, one-of-a-kind gifts that speak to them.

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Gifts for the Type 5 in your life

Our type 5 friends, also know as the Observer or Investigator, are inquisitive, innovative, and insightful. They love to mind facts that others might miss and to learn more and more about a subject they are interested in. They also like to process in private and recharge to reconnect with others. Choosing and giving gifts that reflect them can range from books to ways that could help them recharge. Some ideas for them include…

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Gifts for your type 6 friends

Our type 6 friends are practical, loyal, supportive, and analytical. At their best, they are trustworthy, cooperative, and supportive friends who can be challenged by doubts and anxiety. Thoughtful gifts for our type 6 friends can be a blend of things that help them experience comfort (which is important for them) and security along with gift ideas that help them step into life with a little more boldness.

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Gifts for the type 7 in your life

Our type 7 friends are all about fun and new and exciting experiences. They tend to be your life-of-the-party friend who is always up for spontaneous plans, envision the possibilities of what’s next, and going on new adventures. Great gifts for your type 7 include gifts and experiences that are fun, items that help them with all their new ideas, and anything that helps them engage you in fun with them.

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Gift Ideas for Type 8s

Our type 8 friends, also called the Protective Challenger, are dynamic leaders, crusaders for justice, and stand up for the vulnerable. They have a passion for life, are bold, straightforward, fearless, and confident. One of the best ways to give gifts to our type 8 friends is to ask for what they want. They will readily give you a list of things to choose from. Some other ideas include…

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Gifts for our type 9 friends

Type 9s, also called the Peacemaker, are warm personalities, adaptable, and make gifted listeners and mediators. They tend to be down-to-earth, patient, reassuring, and content. They love harmony, sometimes love being out in nature, and finding ways to relax. Gifts that reflect type 9s include items that tap into their warmth, comfort, and relaxed view of life.

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Great gifts are an expression of the heart & soul of our people. When we can understand where our friends and loved ones are coming from, we can buy gifts that speak to their hearts and help them feel seen.

Hey friends! These gift ideas are just a sampling of gifts for different personality types. I would love to hear about your great gifts ideas so we can share in buying gifts that demonstrate love and appreciation for our people. Share your ideas in the comments and if you’re wanting to discover your own Enneagram type, hit me up for a free 30 minute consultation here.

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